Monday, November 18, 2013

My Editor, My Love

"My wrist pops at a firm handshake. I sing Christmas songs all year long. And have one elfin ear. I enjoy standing at a 65 degree angle. And my favorite treat is clam dip (NOT crab dip)."

Who am I?

I almost sent that blurb in a cover letter for one of the online job applications. I figured if my editor didn't get the job, maybe a good laugh instead?
Life is too short to stop at serious. I keep treading through goofy, on to dorky and then wading in the wacky pool. I'm starting to prune so I should get out now.

Eh..hem. Someone explain to me the difference between clam dip and crab dip. I've been corrected by my editor on the overwhelming difference but without said specifics. I am patiently awaiting said specifics....starting to prune again. I will get out now.

I digress...So back to the question I introduced our blog with. Who am I?

"I" - is actually my editor, who plays the role of husband, carpenter, household facility engineer (fancy maintenance moniker), and love of my life. He is a gift from the Creator above who designed him just for my liking. Quirks and all.

I immersion blend his chili because it's too chunky.  This must be love.

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